
手写基于 ID3 算法的决策树模型

不借助现成的机器学习框架,使用 NumPy 实现基于 ID3 算法的决策树模型。


  1. 计算经验条件熵时,求和项里其实没有负号了,但我 之前写的笔记中误加了负号。这属于是被自己之前写的笔记坑了。正确的公式如下:

    \[ H(D) = -\sum_{k=1}^{K} p(k) \log_2 p(k) \]
    \[ H(D|A) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{|D_i|}{|D|} H(D_i) \]
  2. 在编写测试程序时暂时把feature_index设为 1,在后面忘记改成通用的feature_index了。


  3. 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。看网络上的机器学习教程、听老师上课讲算法原理和步骤,都不如自己从头实现一个简单的算法让自己印象更深刻。虽然模型还有各种缺陷,但最终得到约 90% 的预测准确率还是会让自己觉得惊喜。这一看似简单的算法,在经历了各种细节上的报错之后,我相信会对它有更深的理解。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


这里使用了 UCI 提供的 汽车评估数据集,也可以在下载。它的特征和标签都是类别型的,适合用 ID3 算法实现决策树。

我们的任务是用购买价格、维修成本、载客数量等特征预测汽车评估的等级。标签一共有 4 个值,分别是:unacc、acc、good、vgood,即最差到最好。

header = ["buying", "maint", "doors", "persons", "lug_boot", "safety", "class"]
data = pd.read_csv("car.data", names=header, header=None)
Text Only
##      buying  maint  doors persons lug_boot safety  class
## 0     vhigh  vhigh      2       2    small    low  unacc
## 1     vhigh  vhigh      2       2    small    med  unacc
## 2     vhigh  vhigh      2       2    small   high  unacc
## 3     vhigh  vhigh      2       2      med    low  unacc
## 4     vhigh  vhigh      2       2      med    med  unacc
## ...     ...    ...    ...     ...      ...    ...    ...
## 1723    low    low  5more    more      med    med   good
## 1724    low    low  5more    more      med   high  vgood
## 1725    low    low  5more    more      big    low  unacc
## 1726    low    low  5more    more      big    med   good
## 1727    low    low  5more    more      big   high  vgood
## [1728 rows x 7 columns]

定义构建决策树所需的 class

定义 Node 类,用于表示树的节点

Node 类的属性有:

  1. feature_index: 此节点用于划分的特征的索引
  2. children: 此节点的子节点,是一个字典,键是特征的取值,值是子节点,子节点也是 Node 类
  3. info_gain: 此节点的信息增益
  4. value: 此节点的类别。如果此节点是叶子节点,则此属性有值,否则为 None
class Node:
    def __init__(self, feature_index=None, children=None, info_gain=None, value=None):

        # for decision node
        self.feature_index = feature_index
        self.children = children
        self.info_gain = info_gain

        # for leaf node
        self.value = value

定义 Tree 类,用于表示决策树

Tree 类的属性有:

  1. root: 树的根节点,是 Node 类
  2. min_samples_split: 决策树的最小分裂样本数,如果样本数小于此值,则不再分裂
  3. max_depth: 决策树的最大深度,如果深度大于此值,则不再分裂


  1. build_tree: 用于构建决策树
  2. get_best_feature: 用于找到最佳划分特征
class DecisionTreeClassifier:
    def __init__(self, min_samples_split=2, max_depth=2):

        # initialize the root of the tree
        self.root = None

        # stopping conditions
        self.min_samples_split = min_samples_split
        self.max_depth = max_depth

    def build_tree(self, dataset, curr_depth=0):
        """recursive function to build the tree"""

        X, Y = dataset[:, :-1], dataset[:, -1]
        num_samples, num_features = np.shape(X)

        # split until stopping conditions are met
        if num_samples >= self.min_samples_split and curr_depth <= self.max_depth:
            # find the best feature
            best_feature = self.get_best_feature(dataset, num_features)
            # check if information gain is positive
            if best_feature["info_gain"] > 0:
                children = []
                for child in best_feature["children"]:
                    # 对每一个 child,迭代调用 build_tree 函数
                        (child[0], self.build_tree(child[1], curr_depth + 1))
                return Node(
                    best_feature["feature_index"], children, best_feature["info_gain"]

        # compute leaf node
        leaf_value = self.calculate_leaf_value(Y)
        # return leaf node
        return Node(value=leaf_value)

    def get_best_feature(self, dataset, num_features):
        """function to find the best split"""

        # dictionary to store the best split
        best_feature = {}
        max_info_gain = -float("inf")

        # 求数据集的标签
        y = dataset[:, -1]
        # 求数据集的样本数
        D = y.shape[0]
        # 求数据集的经验熵
        H_D = self.entropy(y)

        # loop over all the features
        for feature_index in range(num_features):
            feature_values = dataset[:, feature_index]
            # 获取该特征的所有去重值
            feature_values = np.unique(feature_values)
            # 计算该特征的经验条件熵
            H_D_A = 0
            for i in feature_values:
                # 求该特征的值等于 i 时的标签
                y_i = dataset[dataset[:, feature_index] == i][:, -1]
                # 求该特征的值等于 i 时的经验熵
                H_D_i = self.entropy(y_i)
                # 求该特征的值等于 i 的比例
                weight_i = y_i.shape[0] / D
                # 求该特征的经验条件熵
                H_D_A += weight_i * H_D_i
            # 求该特征的信息增益
            curr_info_gain = H_D - H_D_A
            # update the best split if needed
            if curr_info_gain > max_info_gain:
                best_feature["feature_index"] = feature_index
                best_feature["children"] = [
                    (i, dataset[dataset[:, feature_index] == i]) for i in feature_values
                best_feature["info_gain"] = curr_info_gain
                max_info_gain = curr_info_gain

        return best_feature

    def entropy(self, y):
        """function to compute entropy"""

        class_labels = np.unique(y)
        entropy = 0
        for cls in class_labels:
            p_cls = len(y[y == cls]) / len(y)
            entropy += -p_cls * np.log2(p_cls)
        return entropy

    def calculate_leaf_value(self, Y):
        """function to compute leaf node"""

        Y = list(Y)
        return max(Y, key=Y.count)

    def print_tree(self, tree=None, indent="    "):
        """function to print the tree"""
        # 如果没有传入 tree 这个参数,则默认需要打印 self.root 这棵树
        if not tree:
            tree = self.root
        # 如果是叶子节点,则打印叶子节点的值
        if tree.value is not None:
        # 如果是决策节点,则打印决策节点的信息,包括特征名称和子节点
            # print('\n')

            for i in tree.children:
                print("{}{}:".format(indent, i[0]), end="")
                self.print_tree(i[1], indent + indent)

    def fit(self, X, Y):
        """function to train the tree"""

        dataset = np.concatenate((X, Y), axis=1)
        self.root = self.build_tree(dataset)

    def predict(self, X):
        """function to predict new dataset"""

        preditions = [self.make_prediction(x, self.root) for x in X]
        return preditions

    def make_prediction(self, x, tree):
        """function to predict a single data point"""

        if tree.value != None:
            return tree.value
        feature_val = x[tree.feature_index]
        child_index = [
            idx for idx, tup in enumerate(tree.children) if tup[0] == feature_val
        return self.make_prediction(x, tree.children[child_index][1])


columns = data.columns
X = data.iloc[:, :-1].values
Y = data.iloc[:, -1].values.reshape(-1, 1)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(
    X, Y, test_size=0.3, random_state=41
Text Only
## array([['low', 'vhigh', '2', '2', 'small', 'low'],
##        ['low', 'low', '4', '4', 'big', 'high'],
##        ['med', 'med', '2', '4', 'med', 'low'],
##        ...,
##        ['vhigh', 'med', '5more', 'more', 'big', 'low'],
##        ['med', 'med', '2', 'more', 'big', 'low'],
##        ['med', 'vhigh', '4', '4', 'med', 'med']], dtype=object)
Text Only
## array([['unacc'],
##        ['vgood'],
##        ['unacc'],
##        ...,
##        ['unacc'],
##        ['acc']], dtype=object)


classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split=3, max_depth=3)
classifier.fit(X_train, Y_train)
Text Only
## _safety_
##     high:_persons_
##         2:<unacc>
##         4:_buying_
##                 high:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<unacc>
##                 low:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<good>
##                                 med:<good>
##                                 vhigh:<acc>
##                 med:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<good>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<acc>
##                 vhigh:_maint_
##                                 high:<unacc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<unacc>
##         more:_buying_
##                 high:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<unacc>
##                 low:_maint_
##                                 high:<vgood>
##                                 low:<vgood>
##                                 med:<vgood>
##                                 vhigh:<acc>
##                 med:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<vgood>
##                                 med:<vgood>
##                                 vhigh:<acc>
##                 vhigh:_maint_
##                                 high:<unacc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<unacc>
##     low:<unacc>
##     med:_persons_
##         2:<unacc>
##         4:_buying_
##                 high:_lug_boot_
##                                 big:<acc>
##                                 med:<unacc>
##                                 small:<unacc>
##                 low:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<good>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<unacc>
##                 med:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<acc>
##                 vhigh:_maint_
##                                 high:<unacc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<unacc>
##                                 vhigh:<unacc>
##         more:_buying_
##                 high:_lug_boot_
##                                 big:<acc>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 small:<unacc>
##                 low:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<good>
##                                 vhigh:<acc>
##                 med:_maint_
##                                 high:<acc>
##                                 low:<good>
##                                 med:<acc>
##                                 vhigh:<acc>
##                 vhigh:_maint_
##                                 high:<unacc>
##                                 low:<acc>
##                                 med:<unacc>
##                                 vhigh:<unacc>

若决策树太庞大,可能无法在屏幕上完全显示,可以到文本文件中查看完整决策树。具体实现方法可参见 这篇帖子


import sklearn.metrics as metrics

def evaluate(true, pred):
    print("accuracy:{:.2%}".format(metrics.accuracy_score(true, pred)))


Y_pred = classifier.predict(X_train)
evaluate(Y_train, Y_pred)
Text Only
## accuracy:90.65%


Y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
evaluate(Y_test, Y_pred)
Text Only
## accuracy:87.28%


本文实现了基于 ID3 算法的决策树模型,但存在如下问题不能很好地解决:

  1. 只支持离散类型的特征变量,若特征为连续值,则不适用于 ID3 算法。

  2. 若测试集中出现了训练集中没有见过的样本,那么基于训练集生成的决策树就不知道如何分枝,导致报错。具体报错如下:


这里的报错是 children 中找不到这个特征值对应的 child tree。这本质上是因为,测试集的样本太大,而训练集的样本太小。在训练集的分枝过程中,我们能够把训练集的样本完全分类。但现在验证集的样本太大,其中有些样本是在训练集中没见过的,这时放到基于训练集得到的模型中,模型也不知道应该怎么分。

